
Symptoms, Conditions & Procedures

GI Symptoms

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is often not serious, but can be a sign of something more serious if persistent — consistent abdominal pain should be addressed.

Anal/Rectal Bleeding

Rectal bleeding could be caused by a variety of issues, some more serious than others, so it's important to schedule an exam when you experience this.


Bloating is a GI symptom typically caused by the buildup of gas in the digestive tract and can be quite uncomfortable if left unaddressed.

Blood in the Stool

A bloody appearance in your poop means that bleeding is present somewhere in your GI tract, which could be caused by a variety of factors.

Bowel Incontinence

Bowel incontinence describes being unable to maintain control over bowel movements, ranging from total loss of control to slight discharges.


Constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week and occurs when the stool becomes too dry and hard.


Diarrhea is a condition where your bowel movements are loose and watery three or more times a day and may need to be addressed by a GI specialist.

Difficulty Swallowing

Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) describes struggling to move food and liquids from the throat to the stomach, caused by concerns like muscle spasms.


Heartburn is irritation of the esophagus that describes a burning sensation in your throat or chest. It can increase after eating or when lying down.


Indigestion describes a painful sensation in the upper abdomen accompanied by symptoms like stomach pain or the feeling of fullness after eating.


Nausea is a queasy sensation in the stomach that makes you believe you have to throw up. Food poisoning or viral or bacterial infection may cause it.

Unexplained Weight Gain/Loss

Unexplained weight gain or loss is an increase or decrease in weight when you aren't attempting to do so. It can indicate a serious underlying issue.


Vomiting occurs when the body perceives a threat and wants to expel the substance. Bacterial and viral infections or food poisoning can cause it.

Yellowing of the Skin/Eyes

Yellowing of the skin and eyes can result from liver disease, biliary dysfunction, gallbladder inflammation or high amounts of bilirubin in the blood.