Getting a Simple Colonoscopy Exam Could Save Your Life!


We do an array of things daily to preserve our wellbeing, such as brushing our teeth, eating healthy, and working out. But there’s one thing that often gets ignored that could really protect our lives — a colonoscopy. This life-saving procedure can identify and prevent cancer, inflammatory bowel conditions, and additional ailments. At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, we recommend having a colon and rectal cancer screening every ten years unless advised otherwise. Our skilled gastrointestinal (GI) doctors regularly conduct colonoscopies for DFW patients.

Why should I have a colonoscopy exam?

A colonoscopy is an exam of the large intestine and rectum that is used to discover abnormal tissues and/or polyps (growths) that could be or become cancerous. To carry out this 30 to 60-minute procedure, a gastrointestinal doctor will insert a miniature camera into the colon to look for any signs of colon and rectal cancer or additional concerns. Colonoscopies are frequently advised as a way to:

  • Search for polyps (tissue growths that can turn cancerous if left untreated)
  • Discover the cause of intestinal discomfort, chronic diarrhea or constipation, bloody stools, or other conditions
  • Check for colorectal cancer

At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, we typically recommend that you visit a colonoscopy doctor around the age of 45 and go back every decade for routine screening procedures. However, contingent on your findings or if you possess a family history of colorectal cancer, we may recommend you get tested at an earlier age and more frequently.

What about a home colorectal cancer exam?

Many women and men wonder why a colonoscopy is necessary when there are advancements in home-based test kits. The basic answer is our GI specialists can gain a more comprehensive picture of any irregular or potentially cancerous concerns than with an at-home stool specimen test. While some patients elect to use these home tests, they cannot be a substitute for a colonoscopy screening.

An at-home exam, for example, would not locate any tumors that have formed in the large intestine. They may signal particular markers of cancer, but a colonoscopy can identify indicators of cancer much earlier and with far greater accuracy than a home kit. At-home kits are also not capable of detecting inflammatory gut conditions.

Why are colonoscopies significant?

We understand that colonoscopies can feel intrusive. However, the lifesaving consequences of this exam can enormously exceed the few moments of awkwardness it may generate. It’s crucial to emphasize how vital these tests can be, specifically for people who possess a family record of colorectal cancer. Many people with colon cancer have no symptoms in the initial stages of the disease and may not even recognize they have the condition.

Several reasons to consider scheduling a colonoscopy include:

  • Contrary to public opinion, the prep process for a colonoscopy is not bad.
  • Though you might feel embarrassed, your GI specialist is not.
  • This is the most effective form of colorectal cancer screening.
  • These screenings are quick and essentially painless.
  • Simply put, a colonoscopy may preserve your life.

In addition, a colonoscopy can discover considerably more than cancer. It can also verify inflammatory intestinal issues, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's, in addition to diverticulosis. Like colon cancer, when identified ahead of time, these ailments can be treated and additional damage can be prevented.

Schedule a colonoscopy in DFW today

Even though you may feel like there’s no need for a colonoscopy, this exam can save your life. A colonoscopy can detect early signs of colorectal cancer, and it can additionally discover Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, and other illnesses. This simple screening may be the critical element between life and death, as our DFW gastroenterologists are expertly trained to search for early markers of cancer and other ailments that might stop cancer in the coming years. For additional details on colonoscopies at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, please contact one of our GI practice locations in your community.