Who Is A Good Candidate for the TIF® Procedure to Address GERD?


If you or a family member experiences gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you are likely aware that this gastrointestinal condition can be unpleasant and may often make daily life challenging. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with ongoing acid reflux. At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, it is possible to minimize GERD symptoms with transoral incisionless fundoplication, commonly referred to as the TIF procedure. For more information about how this GERD treatment option could help you experience relief from your acid reflux symptoms or to partner with a specialist who offers the TIF procedure in DFW, request a visit with our gastroenterology team as soon as possible.

What exactly is gastroesophageal reflux disease?

You might have GERD if you notice episodes of severe acid reflux a few times a week or mild to moderate acid reflux several times a week. Although this condition generally develops in adults who are 40 or older, you can potentially experience gastroesophageal reflux disease if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have excess body fat
  • Use tobacco or alcohol
  • Have scleroderma or a hiatal hernia
  • Lay down immediately after eating
  • Routinely eat spicy foods
  • Drink coffee
  • Eat large meals late at night

Though you can try to avoid consuming foods and other triggers to alleviate the symptoms of GERD, medical intervention is sometimes necessary. Our gastroenterology team is pleased to provide the TIF procedure in DFW as a treatment option for long-term cases of acid reflux.

How does the TIF procedure work?

The TIF procedure is a minimally invasive, advanced treatment option provided to treat patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. It repairs the lining of the upper stomach and esophagus to improve the ability of the gastroesophageal junction to function properly.

The TIF procedure is frequently sought out and considered an appealing remedy as there are no metal implants or incisions, and the recovery timeframe is commonly quick. It is also considered a safe treatment that can enable those who have struggled to enjoy acid reflux relief to receive the care they need.

Is transoral incisionless fundoplication right for you?

If you think transoral incisionless fundoplication could be right for your GERD, we urge you to request an appointment at a Texas Digestive Disease Consultants location near you. Our highly trained gastroenterology specialist can help you determine if this method is best for your health concerns.

During a one-on-one consultation, our DFW TIF specialists will learn about your health history and symptoms to ascertain if this is the best GERD treatment for you. You might also need to have further testing to assess if you are a candidate for transoral incisionless fundoplication. These diagnostics may include esophageal acid exposure testing, an esophageal motility study, and endoscopy.

The TIF procedure may be recommended if you:

  • Experience acid regurgitation or other symptoms of GERD
  • Prefer to avoid the side effects associated with acid reflux medication
  • Experience persistent heartburn
  • Do not have a hiatal hernia bigger than one inch
  • Have GERD even after adjusting your diet and lifestyle

Experience GERD relief with the TIF procedure

In the event you experience persistent acid reflux or GERD, you likely find it challenging to enjoy day-to-day life. When alternative treatment protocols haven’t helped relieve these symptoms, the TIF procedure for reflux at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants may be an appropriate solution for you. To receive treatment for GERD or consult a provider who offers transoral incisionless fundoplication in DFW, reach out to us without delay.