Find Out Why EOY Is an Ideal Time To Have Your Colonoscopy


Most people cringe at the notion of undergoing a colonoscopy screening. Yet are you aware that after you have an initial test, provided it reveals normal results, you won’t need to undergo the examination for another decade? That’s a whole ten years without a colonoscopy.

Having a colonoscopy screening probably isn't high on your list of to-dos. Nevertheless, receiving a colorectal cancer screening can offer security for your overall well-being. On the authority of, colon cancer deaths have diminished for a number of decades because of routine examinations.

It's recommended for the average person to have their first colon cancer screening close to 45 years of age. This is suggested since colon and rectal cancer is very curable when detected promptly. If diagnosed early on, the five-year rate of survival is 90%.

At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, our staff is known for consistently delivering quality treatment. Our DFW gastroenterologists want to ensure you obtain the colon cancer test you require for optimal health.

How is a colonoscopy conducted?

A colonoscopy is an exam that detects tissue changes and anomalies in the rectum and colon (large intestine). During the procedure, the GI physician inserts an adjustable tube into the colon by way of the rectum. A small video camera enables the physician to view inside the colon.

During the test, your comfort is prioritized. You'll be given the opportunity to have intravenous sedation. Talk to our team for further details on how they can help make sure your exam is virtually pain-free.

What does a colonoscopy procedure identify?

An initial screening is ideal for patients between 45 and 52 years of age. For more information on how frequently you should schedule a colonoscopy procedure, please speak with one of our experienced gastroenterology specialists in DFW.

A colonoscopy exam at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants helps find precancerous growths (polyps) or tissue abnormalities that are present in the rectum or colon. Before you undergo a colonoscopy exam, it's beneficial to recognize what qualifies as an average risk for colorectal cancer. Having an average risk for cancer indicates you are a candidate for undergoing an initial colonoscopy procedure.

Patients are at an average colorectal cancer risk if they don't have:

  • Suspected Lynch syndrome (hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer or HNPCC)

  • Prior colorectal cancer or polyps

  • Inflammatory bowel disease, like ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease

  • Hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome, like familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)

  • Family history of colon or rectal cancer

  • Prior radiation to the pelvic or abdominal area for previous cancer treatment

Why the year's end is an ideal time to have a colon screening

The time for new year's resolutions is coming up fast. The end of the year is an excellent time to book a consultation with a DFW colonoscopy doctor. Why? Because it allows you to consider the bigger picture and enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones knowing your general wellness is getting the attention it deserves.

Getting a colorectal cancer screening lets you embark upon the new year with a fresh outlook. Furthermore, understanding your health is an optimal way to help align your overall wellness goals. It's essential to understand that preventing colon cancer begins with you.

Set up your colonoscopy screening in DFW

You deserve to live a long, healthy life with your loved ones. A colon cancer screening at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants is an excellent way to kick off the new year with a proactive approach. Not shying away from a screening helps reduce your risk of developing colorectal cancer. To set up an appointment for a colonoscopy screening, please reach out to our GI specialists in DFW today.