Tips to Help Your Child Build Healthy Eating Habits


Developing healthy eating habits can offer a number of benefits to children of all ages as they grow and develop. Proper nutrition beginning in the early years can help kids learn how to add nourishment to their bodies throughout their life and decrease the possibility of long-term medical problems. Additionally, it may also improve how they feel at school, give them more energy to engage in physical activities, and improve their quality of sleep.

Texas Digestive Disease Consultants understands that a proper diet can significantly affect children during their lifetime. Because September is recognized as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, we have included information to help parents learn more about proper dietary intake for kids, balanced meals and snacks for little ones, and lunchbox options for school-aged children. We encourage you to read the following tips and reach out to schedule a visit with one of our gastrointestinal (GI) specialists in DFW for help with any concerns or questions.

Ways to reinforce good eating habits for healthy kids

Our team recommends several factors to help encourage ideal eating habits for children, such as:

  • Involve your kids in the shopping and cooking activities. This can offer the occasion to instruct your child about how to select nutritious foods and read nutrition labels while buying and preparing food. Such an opportunity can enable children to have fun while exploring healthy eating while enjoying time spent with you. Additionally, by promoting this type of engagement, you could be less likely to encounter food aversions or picky eating since your youngster has an opportunity to understand more about the foods you select.
  • Refer to portion sizes on food packaging labels and review the list of ingredients. Teaching your little one about food ingredients and ideal portions can help your child learn about the importance of these items.
  • Sit down to eat meals as a family as frequently as possible. Throughout dinner, maintain positive conversation so your little one does not negatively associate eating with stress. Eating associated with stress can trigger additional problems down the road.
  • Establish snack times and designate appropriate food choices. Snacking is an essential part of healthy eating. It is good to schedule a set time for snacking and predetermine the kinds of food your little one eats. We also suggest that you try to discourage your child from eating while watching television. Eating in front of the TV could lead to overeating.
  • Stay away from using food as a disciplinary technique or reward. Should you put your child to sleep without dinner as punishment or utilize sugary foods as a prize for being good, it could cause them to have a complicated relationship with eating in the future.

What healthy foods for kids should your child's diet include?

Our DFW pediatric gastrointestinal specialists recommend a balanced food plan of veggies, fruits, dairy, grains, and protein. When possible, it is advisable to regulate sugar and trans fat at meals and during snack time. By sticking to a diet that centers on these quality food groups, you can help your child be more energetic and healthier. For additional suggestions, check out some of our favorite lunchbox food ideas for school-aged kids.

Where can I locate more information about healthy foods for children?

Beyond the information detailed here, we wish to offer a comprehensive collection of tips for parents, so they can always locate up-to-date details concerning healthy eating for children. Some of the sites we recommend are as follows:

At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, our experts believe in helping kids establish healthy habits early in life. Our pediatric GI specialists frequently work with parents and caregivers to create a balanced diet for their kids. Please contact our DFW gastrointestinal team to further explore the advantages of healthy diets or for help with selecting appropriate snacks and meals for children.