June is Men's Health Month: Here are the Facts About Men and Colon Cancer


You've likely dealt with occasional fluctuations in bowel movements based on the kinds of foods you consume and the daily medications prescribed. However, persistent fluctuations in bowel movements could indicate a more serious health problem. Colon cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed among the U.S. population, as indicated by the American Cancer Society. Furthermore, the lifelong risk of developing colon and rectal cancer among men is approximately 1 in 23.

June is designated as Men's Health Month, and Texas Digestive Disease Consultants is dedicated to helping people learn the signs of colon cancer, understand the facts surrounding colon cancer, and come to know the statistics so they have the confidence to take charge of their health and wellness. Continue reading to find out further details about colon cancer from our DFW gastroenterology team.

What is colon cancer?

Colon and rectal cancer starts in the large intestine when the cells in this portion of the body begin to proliferate beyond normal. It has an effect on the GI system and the proper function of the rectum and colon. Most often, this cancer begins as a growth (polyp) that develops on the inner lining of the rectum or colon.

By obtaining accurate information and details, you can help the males in your life live healthier and happier by providing them with the facts about colorectal cancer in men. Setting up an appointment with the GI specialists at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants is a great way to help ensure you or your family member receives the professional services and information necessary for colorectal health.

Know the statistics and facts about colon cancer in men

According to the American Cancer Society, it is forecasted that there will be 106,180 new cases of colorectal cancer in the United States in 2022. Given the improvements in health services and colon exams, however, the amount of diagnoses has declined since the mid-80s. If colon cancer is detected in the early stages, the disease can often be cured. When rectal cancer is detected at a localized stage, the rate of survival is very favorable. Additional facts to keep in mind surrounding colorectal cancer are as follows:

  • The risk of having cancer increases as you age
  • The incidence of cancer is 30% higher in males than in females
  • The median age for a cancer diagnosis is 66 years among males
  • Physical activity is strongly connected to a decreased chance of colon cancer (not rectal cancer)
  • Diets that contain higher amounts of calcium, dairy, whole grains, and fiber can lessen the risk of developing colorectal cancer

To learn additional facts surrounding colon and rectal cancer or to learn more about the risk factors for colorectal cancer in men, please set up an appointment with one of our GI specialists in DFW. Their advanced experience and knowledge about colorectal cancer can help facilitate your journey to health.

Understanding the common symptoms of colon cancer in men

Being familiar with the colon cancer symptoms in men can assist you in making favorable changes for yourself or someone you love. A few of the common and most prevalent symptoms of colon cancer are the following:

  • A persistent fluctuation in your bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea, or a change in the consistency of stools)
  • Blood in the stool or anal bleeding
  • Persistent abdominal discomforts, such as cramps, gas, or pain
  • A feeling that your bowel cannot empty completely
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Unexplained weight loss

In the event you or a member of your family have any of the colon cancer symptoms mentioned above, contacting a colonoscopy specialist in DFW may be the action to take. Getting the information you need for your health and becoming familiar with the symptoms of colon cancer in men can protect a life. To hear additional details about what can be done to take preventive steps, or to properly manage the condition, reach out to a gastrointestinal physician at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants.

Find help for colorectal cancer in DFW

Colon cancer can affect anyone, but being familiar with the greater risks that men face is a good start toward maintaining colon and rectal health during Men’s Health Month this June. If you are at an increased risk or of age, speaking with a gastrointestinal doctor at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants is a way to ensure your health is protected. To hear further details about this or other gastrointestinal conditions, get in touch with the team today.