What Are the More Common Stomach Diseases and Disorders?


Most individuals have had stomach upset or diarrhea at some time over the course of their lives. This may occur following the consumption of a meal or happen as they're going about their day. In any event, recurring abdominal upset or urgent bowel needs could mean that consulting a DFW gastroenterologist is in order. At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, we have a team of professionals ready to help patients find relief from stomach concerns.

Are a lot of people impacted by stomach issues?

Per the American College of Gastroenterology, approximately 10 – 15% of U.S. adults are affected by abdominal pain. Although many might think a small tummy ache or uneasiness is not a big deal, it's advantageous to become familiar with the various types of stomach diseases and disorders, and their symptoms, in order to detect potential problems. Our GI specialists at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants are eager to help patients with treatments that can ease their aches and pains.

What are some common stomach conditions to be aware of?

Many digestive conditions can show similar symptoms. Meeting with a gastroenterologist is an important factor that could keep a patient's gastrointestinal system healthy, happy, and well-maintained throughout life. Common stomach conditions carry very similar symptoms and signs and include loose stools, burning or aching pain in the abdominal region, queasiness, vomiting, bloating, feeling satiated or full after a small meal, and heartburn. If frequent discomfort, stomach issues that are difficult to alleviate, or an aching or burning feeling are occurring, it's imperative to seek treatment for stomach problems in DFW to maintain GI health and wellness. Some common stomach diseases are:

  • Non-ulcer dyspepsia
  • Gastroparesis
  • Gastritis
  • Stomach (gastric) cancer
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Gastroenteritis

We encourage people to schedule a visit at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants to receive the necessary treatment for stomach concerns to improve their quality of life.

When is treatment needed for stomach problems?

When over-the-counter drugs are not minimizing symptoms, and ongoing discomfort or constant bowel movements that are out of the ordinary are occurring, it's important to seek help from a gastrointestinal doctor. These health professionals are trained to help individuals improve digestive functionality, from the esophagus to the stomach, colon, pancreas, and liver. Their profound expertise enables them to treat and manage a wide range of stomach diseases, ranging from stomach ulcers to gastritis.

Though treatment options for stomach conditions and issues may vary, they often start with an overhaul of any symptoms and move forward from that point. Connecting with our gastroenterology physicians is the first step to seeking relief from stomach discomfort.

Find care for stomach conditions in DFW

At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, our group of gastroenterology physicians is devoted to making sure patients receive care that will enhance their health and wellness. Should you find yourself experiencing frequent stomach discomfort, frequent bowel concerns, or you require more involved treatment for gastric cancer, our GI physicians in DFW offer the skills and expertise to help you along your journey. You shouldn’t have to feel concerned about stomach pain or problems on a frequent basis. Avoid delay. Schedule an appointment at our office to get the treatment you need to live in greater comfort.