Which Tests can be Used to Diagnose and Treat Esophageal Conditions?


Should you or a loved one develop an issue involving your esophagus, it's crucial to get it assessed so that the right diagnosis and treatment method can be carried out. You might be wondering, what does that involve? At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, our gastroenterology specialists perform a variety of tests to identify esophageal problems that could be interfering with your health and wellness. Please don't allow an esophageal condition to continue to negatively affect your life and health. For further details about the testing procedures and treatments for esophageal disorders in DFW, please request a visit with one of our GI providers. Read below to learn more about how each test work.

How does an EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) identify esophageal problems?

An esophagogastroduodenoscopy, often simply called an EGD, is an endoscopic exam carried out to evaluate the upper gastrointestinal tract. Also called an upper endoscopy exam, it involves a small camera fitted on the end of the endoscope, or tube.

During the procedure, the tube is passed down through the throat to help our doctors see the esophagus, stomach, and upper portion of the small intestine, or duodenum. The camera transfers the pictures that are taken to our computer software so that your GI doctor can examine them. After the images have been evaluated, our experts can determine a diagnosis and recommend the appropriate treatment plan best for your health. An EGD test could be prescribed if you’ve had the following symptoms:

  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting blood
  • Chronic acid reflux
  • Anemia
  • Trouble Swallowing
  • Ongoing nausea or vomiting
  • Non-cardiac chest pain
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Pain in the abdominal area
  • Functional indigestion (dyspepsia)

The highly trained team at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants can give you more information about this test and if it might help you.

How can a CT scan identify and treat esophageal problems?

A diagnostic CT or computed tomography scan can be a helpful tool for your GI physician when it pertains to esophageal conditions. CT scans often function as the initial step in the process of evaluating the esophagus. As radiographic exams, CT scans offer a clear picture of the area in question. These pictures are then provided to your physician, who reviews them and can determine the approach to follow to help ease your esophageal disorder.

Our DFW gastroenterology specialists may order CT imaging to accurately diagnose esophageal problems. CT scans can provide help with the following:

  • Detecting inflammation or irritation
  • Detecting irregularities in the esophagus
  • Determining if esophageal cancer has metastasized
  • Detecting esophageal cancer

When would a barium x-ray be needed?

Your GI physician might order a barium x-ray if a radiographic assessment of your GI tract is needed. Barium x-rays are typically used to identify abnormalities, such as hernias, tumors, ulcers, polyps, strictures, and inflammatory conditions.

The barium itself is a white, dry chalky powder-like material. This powder is added to a liquid, allowing it to be swallowed. When it has been ingested, the barium will coat the inner lining of the esophagus, stomach, and small bowel. The white appearance of the barium allows our gastroenterology providers to examine for irregularities that might not be observed when conventional x-ray images are conducted.

There are a number of types of barium x-ray exams that may be used. These tests include a barium enema to examine the lower GI tract, a small-bowel follow-through, and a barium swallow to look at the upper GI tract. If you or a loved one think you could need tests for esophagus conditions, request an appointment with us today.

Get specialized esophageal treatment in DFW

Should you need treatment for esophageal problems, look no further than the doctors at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants. Our staff will work closely with you to create a treatment strategy that treats your needs. Contact us now to request a visit with one of our esophageal specialists in DFW. We look forward to helping you find the care you deserve.