March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

Colorectal Surgery in Texas

What is colorectal surgery?

Colorectal surgery is a surgical subspecialty that concentrates on the treatment of conditions involving the colon, rectum, anus, pelvic floor, and small intestine. Typical conditions treated include hemorrhoids, colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening, diverticulitis, and cancer. Treatment options can include surgery, but often a non-surgical approach is more appropriate. If surgery is necessary, many procedures can be done with minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopy or robotics.

A colorectal surgeon must first complete a general surgery training program, and then receive additional fellowship training in colorectal surgery. Most colorectal limit their practice to only colorectal conditions, but some continue to practice general surgery as well and will treat hernias, gallbladder disease, etc. If you need a colorectal surgeon, your gastroenterologist can refer you, or you can contact any of our Texas practice locations.

Colorectal Surgery

What conditions are treated by colorectal surgeons?

A patient may be referred to a colorectal surgeon to treat any number of diseases related to the Gl tract. Colon surgeons typically have a broad array of treatment options and may recommend surgical or non-surgical therapies. Common conditions that may be treated by a colorectal surgeon include:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Fistulas
  • Anal fissures
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Diverticulitis (a complication of diverticulosis)
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Pelvic floor disorders

Many of the above conditions can often be managed non-surgically with techniques such as office hemorrhoid treatments and pelvic floor physical therapy. Our Texas Gl specialists are ready to help you assess and understand your ideal options for treatment.

Is there a difference between a gastroenterologist and a colorectal surgeon?

Both gastroenterologists and colorectal surgeons are physicians who address GI disorders. However, some differences exist between their education and scope of practice. Gastroenterologists are fully trained internal medicine specialists who have taken further training to sub-specialize in gastroenterology. Colorectal surgeons have fully completed a general surgery residency, and then completed additional sub-specialty training in colorectal surgery. Gastroenterologists focus primarily on the medical management of any disorder of the GI tract, whereas a colorectal surgeon primarily treats potentially surgical problems, either with a surgical or non-surgical approach, depending on the situation. Both specialties can perform colonoscopy, again, depending on the situation. Any of our providers can be located through the help of Texas Digestive Disease Consultants.

Personalized solutions for colorectal surgery

Should you require care from a colorectal surgeon, the team at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants can help. Our physician-led team of experienced gastroenterology specialists is dedicated to placing the needs of our patients first. If you are curious about colorectal surgery in Texas, please contact one of our practice locations to request a consultation.