Hemorrhoid Banding in Texas
What is hemorrhoid banding?
Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen veins that occur in one’s anus or lower rectum. A hemorrhoid can arise inside the rectum (internally) or on the anus (externally). A hemorrhoid typically forms in the case that the vein walls in one’s anus or rectum are so thin that the veins bulge or protrude. In some situations, a blood clot could grow in the hemorrhoid (called a thrombosed hemorrhoid), causing discomfort.
If a hemorrhoid starts to become extremely painful or is the cause of other health concerns, it may need to be removed. An approach commonly employed to relieve internal hemorrhoids is hemorrhoid banding, also referred to as rubber band ligation. If you are looking for information on hemorrhoid banding in Texas, our providers can help. At Texas Digestive Disease Consultants, our physician-led team of GI specialists frequently treats hemorrhoids with hemorrhoid banding procedures.
What are the benefits of hemorrhoid banding?
If you have ever had a hemorrhoid, you likely have dealt with some of the symptoms that go along with them, such as pain, itching, and bloody bowel movements. The hemorrhoid banding procedure at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants is often an effective nonsurgical treatment option for a variety of reasons. The benefits of hemorrhoid banding procedures involve:
- Nonsurgical process: Since hemorrhoid banding is a nonsurgical procedure, you won’t have any surgery complications or long recovery times. Hemorrhoid banding is safe and gets you back to life.
- Longer-lasting than alternative methods: While at-home solutions, such as topical cream, bath solutions, or medicated pads, might treat smaller hemorrhoids, these solutions often just address hemorrhoid symptoms and not the cause. Hemorrhoid banding offers a longer-term treatment option.
- Practically painless: While it’s true you might encounter slight discomfort during your procedure, banding shouldn’t cause you discomfort as your hemorrhoid gets smaller and detaches.

How does hemorrhoid banding work?
Hemorrhoid banding is a method in which blood flow to a hemorrhoid is obstructed by placing a rubber band at the base of it. Over the course of time, the hemorrhoid will shrink and then go away. Scar tissue will form where the hemorrhoid was, which will keep nearby veins from swelling or growing into additional hemorrhoids in the vicinity.
Hemorrhoid banding is done by placing an anoscope into the anus. The specialist then gets a hold of the hemorrhoid and employs an instrument to place a band encircling the base of the hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoid banding is typically used to remove just one or two hemorrhoids in a given treatment except in cases where the person being treated is given anesthesia.
What is the recovery process like after a hemorrhoid banding procedure?
The course of recovery following hemorrhoid banding in Texas may vary from person to person. A portion of individuals may be well enough to resume regular function nearly immediately following the procedure, while others need a few days of bed rest in order to recover. Discomfort is common for up to 48 hours following hemorrhoid banding, and bleeding can occur for up to 10 days after the procedure.
Our Texas Digestive Disease Consultants GI team will provide detailed recovery instructions to follow once your hemorrhoid banding procedure is finished. To lessen the chance of bleeding, it is of the utmost importance to be sure not to take aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for at least four days prior to or following the procedure. To reduce pressure in the rectum, it is recommended that the patient consume plenty of fluids and ingest a diet with high amounts of fiber to help ensure smooth bowel movements.
Hemorrhoid Banding FAQs
How can I prepare for hemorrhoid banding?
Often, there is nothing you ’ll need to do prior to your hemorrhoid banding procedure. Your gastroenterologist will likely discuss all of the prescribed and over-the-counter medications and/or health supplements you use, so we recommend keeping a list written down. Following the procedure, you should have a trusted friend or family member willing to help with daily tasks to avoid additional strain while you heal. Additionally, it’s essential to follow pre- and post-treatment directives given to you by your Texas Digestive Disease Consultants provider.
Is hemorrhoid banding a safe process?
Just like any other procedure, there will be a small chance of risk associated with hemorrhoid banding, including recurring hemorrhoids, infection, and bleeding. However, our gastroenterologists work diligently to help avoid these risks. We work closely with you to set you up for a successful recovery process.
Will I be able to work after my hemorrhoid banding?
In most instances, it is okay to return to work following your procedure. Our GI providers advise that you stay away from manual labor or strenuous activity right after your procedure, but those with a desk job can usually get back to work after the treatment.
Does hemorrhoid banding hurt?
Your GI specialist’s aim is to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. Your gastroenterologist will use a local anesthetic to minimize pain during the procedure; however, you may experience some discomfort both during and after your hemorrhoid banding.