Discover How the Summer Heat Can Impact Digestive Concerns


Beautiful blue skies, summery temps, bonfires, and laughter by the pool are all signs that summertime has arrived. However, the weather may not be the one and only thing heating up. If you are experiencing digestive issues during these warmer months, you don’t have to suffer alone. You can request a consultation with a GI doctor at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants today to learn how to enhance your gut health.

Give your body the break it deserves in the hotter months with some tips and tricks on how to reduce GI symptoms. Find info below from our DFW gastroenterology team.

How can warm weather affect GI issues?

Rising temperatures can impact our body's resilience and digestive capabilities. This can include loss of appetite during very warm days, dehydration symptoms, or other heat-related illnesses (including heat stroke and heat exhaustion).

Heat waves impact the bacterial composition of your GI tract, based on a study conducted by researchers in Zurich, Switzerland. This could clarify why some stomach pain and irritation become in warmer months.

The higher temps cause our blood flow to redirect to help control body temperature. Our GI system is influenced more in these cases. Consequently, a person might experience gastrointestinal issues that cause stomach pain and diarrhea.

Even if you take preemptive steps to avoid dehydration and additional illness related to heat, it’s not guaranteed to totally prevent it. Prolonged symptoms will need to be reviewed by our GI doctors at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants. Request an appointment with our GI specialists to obtain the relevant treatment for your gastro issues.

Tips to boost your GI health

Taking control as temps rise is a great way to help you focus on your time with your friends and family. A few simple things to focus on when you’re going to be in the sun can include:

  • Avoid consuming milk products: Milk can deliver some relief once it’s ingested, it can actually heat the body. This includes dairy products such as ice cream, butter, and cheese.
  • Add probiotics into your diet: Drinking kombucha, eating yogurt, and taking a probiotic may help boost good gut bacteria.
  • Make working out a routine: A brisk walk, a quick run, and even yoga help with digestion. Adding movement to your everyday routine will help with stomach pains and reduce stress.
  • Consider your hydration needs: Get enough water to make up for the loss because of your sweat. This includes drinking 8 ­­– 10 cups of water a day.

Avoid food poisoning during the summer

During the summer, the chance of food poisoning rises. Preparing food outside in the heat may make handling food safely cumbersome, as bacteria can multiply at a quicker rate during warm weather.

Understanding the symptoms of food poisoning can help you better understand the treatment. Common symptoms are:

  • Upset stomach
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Vomiting

Avoid letting the temperature rise affect your health. When you’re expecting hot weather, take time to safeguard your health by listening to your body. Drink water when you’re thirsty, eat hydrating foods like watermelon, strawberries, peaches, and oranges, and get proper assistance from our GI specialists in DFW as needed.

Cool down and improve your gut health

Your gut health shouldn’t get in the way of enjoying summertime with your friends and family. Help your intestinal tract stay healthy this summer with support from a certified GI specialist at Texas Digestive Disease Consultants. Our knowledge and skill are used to show you the way. Don’t delay your summer plans and request a consultation at one of our practice locations in DFW.