New Research For Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers among men and women despite screening tools for early detection and treatment. There are many factors that put you at greater risk for colon cancer. Some are modifiable and some unavoidable. Modifiable risk factors include diet, exercise level, smoking, and alcohol use. Making better choices and changing your lifestyle could significantly decrease your risk of developing colon cancer. Risk factors you cannot change include age, race, genetics and a personal history of inflammatory colon diseases.

There is exciting new research that shows the microbes found in your colon may also be putting you at greater risk for developing colon cancers. Studies are currently being conducted to determine which microbes may put you at greater risk and if anything can be done to treat the bacteria, like probiotics, before cancer can occur.

While all of this new research is interesting and could yield ground breaking results, it should not change your plan for colon cancer prevention and screening. Making lifestyle changes and limiting modifiable risk factors can decrease your chances of developing colon cancer without any new research. Most people should begin colonoscopy screening  at age 50, but you should talk with your gastroenterologist about your risk factors and when you should begin colon health screenings. The doctors at TDDC are specialists in gastroenterology and will put your mind at ease with our personal care.